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Asiatic Table Garlic

Asiatic varieties have mild to medium heat when used raw.  They have firm, plump cloves and thick skins.  Theses varieties are diverse in flavor and heat.  Asian Tempest is one of the hottest garlics to be found, but when cooked mellows nicely.  Tempest adds a nice kick to spreads and chutneys.


Asian Tempest - What's a great reason to have Asian Tempest? An early harvest (sometimes late May) gives way to a hot, strong, weakly-bolting bulb at a time when nobody else has any garlic. That's a good enough reason right there to grow this variety! There are typically around 8 fat cloves per large bulb. The Asian Tempest variety spawns from South Korea, and when you first bite into a clove you feel the heat! It slowly dissipates into a rich, earthy flavor you are sure to love. These also have a very high allicin content which is great for you health nuts!

Asiatic Table Garlic

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